Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System

Sequence diagram of a hospital management system. Technology has completely transformed the field of medicine, as it has with most industries. A hospital information system, also known as a hospital information system, helps doctors, administrators, and hospital staff managing all of the activities and information collected at a hospital, including checkups, prescriptions, appointments,. ATTENDANCE FORM if (comboBox2.Text 'All Present') sql = 'select. from tblAttend where EmpId in (select EmpId from tblEmp where DeptId in (select DeptId from tblDept where DeptName = '+comboBox1.Text+')) and AttendDate ='+dateTimePicker1.Text+'; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter adapter = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sql. State Diagram UML of Online Store. This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the UML Class Diagram library of the Rapid UML Solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. This sample shows the work of the medical shop and is used at the creation of the medical shop or pharmacy project, for understanding the.

By: Prof. Fazal Rehman Shamil
Last modified on November 4th, 2020

Attendance Management System Class Diagram

Let us see the Attendance Management System Class Diagram. We will show the attributes and functions of all the classes that are possible in this project.

  1. Admin (Administration)
  2. Courses
  3. Teachers
  4. Students

class (Admin)

Attributes/Variables of the class (Admin)

Private Attributes/Variables:

There are the following private attributes in the mentioned class diagram.

-Id: string
-Name: string
-Password: string
-Email: string

Public Attributes/Variables:

There are following public attributes in the mentioned class diagram.


Functions of the class (Admin)

Private Functions:

There are following private functions in the mentioned class diagram.


Public Functions:

There are the following public functions in the mentioned class diagram.


class (Courses)

Attributes/Variables of the class (Courses)

Private Attributes/Variables:

There are the following private attributes in the mentioned class diagram.


Public Attributes/Variables:

There are following public attributes in the mentioned class diagram.

+Id: string
+Name: string
+Teacher: string
+EnrolledStudents: string[]
+Lectures: string[]

Functions of the class (Courses)

Private Functions:

There are the following private functions in the mentioned class diagram.


Public Functions:

There are the following public functions in the mentioned class diagram.


  1. class (Teachers)

Attributes/Variables of the class (Teachers)

Private Attributes/Variables:

There are the following private attributes in the mentioned class diagram.

-Name: string
-Password: string
-Email: string

Public Attributes/Variables:

There are following public attributes in the mentioned class diagram.


+Id: string

Functions of the class (Teachers)

Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System Excel

Private Functions:

There are the following private functions in the mentioned class diagram.


Public Functions:

There are the following public functions in the mentioned class diagram.



class (Students)

Attributes/Variables of the class (Students)

Private Attributes/Variables:

There are the following private attributes in the mentioned class diagram.

-Name: string
-Password: string
-Email: string


Public Attributes/Variables:

There are following public attributes in the mentioned class diagram.

+Id: string

Functions of the class (Students)

Private Functions:

Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System Free

There are the following private functions in the mentioned class diagram.


Public Functions:

There are the following public functions in the mentioned class diagram.

Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System


Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System

Important Links for class diagram

Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System Example

  1. Tutorial: Class Diagram
  2. Exercise: Class Diagram of Projects
  3. MCQs: Class Diagram

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